Category: news


Pendant 3 jours, du 28 au 30 Janvier, nous seront présent au salon international des musées, des lieux de culture et de tourisme. Venez nous retrouver au stand B24 salle Delorme et Gabriel , Carrousel du Louvre, Paris.

The Wrong: in Rennes

Lights Of The Century will participate to The Wrong. An embassy of the Wrong, the 4th contemporary digital art biennale, will take place in Rennes (France). We will collaborate on a project with a group of french artists known as “intangible” for deploying their artworks.


Lights Of The Century is member of CAP DIGITAL, the biggest cluster in Europe and one of the largest innovators’ collective in the digital ecosystem.

FORUM: Entreprendre Dans La Culture

Entreprendre dans la culture
From 22 till 24th May, Paris